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Using Video Feedback to Increase Job Interview Skills for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Publisher: Jessica Lynn Moore
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Business Intelligence, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Supported Employment Practice-Self Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Supported Employment Practice-Indigenous Community, Pathways-Job Readiness, Workplace Solutions – Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Virtual employment, Workplace Solutions – Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2015
Type of resource: Publication

Individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities often lack the skills needed to gain meaningful employment in the community. One crucial skill is interviewing as this is the first and often the only pre-job interaction an individual has with his or her employer. In a short interaction, the person must convey information about specific work history, employability, and a general impression of character. This study evaluated the effectiveness of video feedback in
improving job interview behaviors for three young adults with developmental disabilities. The interview related-behaviors were appropriate greeting, responses to interview questions, and appropriate closing statement. The performance across the participants was assessed in simulated interviews under a multiple-baseline design across behaviors and participants, with all participants reaching 100% correct performance of all three behaviors after video feedback was implemented. The social validity supports the feasibility of this video feedback intervention. Issues related to future research and implications for the field are discussed.

Access the resource here: Using Video Feedback to Increase Job Interview Skills for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities

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