Canadian Association for Supported Employment


Join other professionals in the supported employment sector who are committed to:

  • Ongoing improvement and excellence in their work.
  • Implementing best practices in their everyday work.
  • Advocating for their clients and for employment inclusion.

As a CASE member, you contribute to a proactive national community of like-minded professionals and organizations dedicated to moving the needle forward on employment inclusion.

An employment service provider works with a client.

A CASE membership demonstrates your commitment to excellence in supported employment.

Exclusive Benefits for CASE Members


Conference Discounts: To ensure your commitment to professional growth remains accessible, we want you to enjoy exclusive discounts on conference registrations.

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Networking and Partnering Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, share best practices, and forge meaningful partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries.

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Co-Branded Resources: Access a wealth of resources branded with CASE + your organization: toolkits, webinars, and DEAM, curated to empower your practice and enhance client outcomes.

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Discounts on Professional Development: Enjoy discounts on specialized training sessions for your staff and certification programs that expand your skill set and advance your career development journey.


Highlight Your Work Nationally through the Member Spotlight: Highlight your organization to CASE’s thousands-strong network through the Member Spotlight. Your events, programs, services, and job postings can also be promoted in the blog.

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Help Shape the Sector by Voting at the CASE AGM: Participate and vote at the CASE AGM to help shape the future of supported employment (one vote per member organization).


Automatic Inclusion in National Registry: Be automatically included in CASE’s National Service Provider Registry to be visible to supported employment service providers and employers across the country.

CASE Member Badge

CASE Membership

Individual MembershipOrganizational Membership for Supported Employment with 1-8 StaffOrganizational Membership for Supported Employment with 9+ Staff
Full-Year Membership from Date of Purchase
Discounted Registrations for the CASE Conference ($200 savings/registration)
10% Discount on CASE Certificate Programs
Vote at the CASE Annual General Meeting
Membership Fee Per Year, in Canadian Dollars$100$300$500

Do you have questions about which CASE membership is best for you?

Contact us now! 

We’re happy to help.

What Our Members Have to Say...

“Being a CASE member facilitates expanding your professional network. It is great to be able to connect with other service providers across the country to share ideas on best practices.

“I had the privilege and pleasure of participating in professional development offered through CASE: the Supported Employment Essentials and the Job Development certificate programs. Both programs were professionally developed and delivered. It served as a great refresher and learning opportunity, which has enhanced my performance in the workplace with my colleagues, employers, and job seekers.”

Join the National Service Provider Registry

Put yourself on the map! As a complimentary service for any Canadian supported employment service provider (no membership required), CASE features Canada’s National Service Providers committed to employment inclusion.

Please be advised that CASE may reserve the right to follow up with you for future program evaluation.

CASE MembersThis form should not be completed if you are a current CASE Member. CASE Members are automatically listed in the Registry unless otherwise noted.


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Connect With CASE

Tell us about new, innovative supported employment initiatives your organization is spearheading. Please send us your ideas or advice on how CASE can better serve you.