Canadian Association for Supported Employment


Welcome to the CASE blog!

We feature a range of topics in our posts for service providers, employers, job seekers, and employees.

Together, they offer an insider’s view on the importance of inclusion and tips for creating an inclusive workplace. 

You’ll also find personal stories that offer lived experience around the barriers to employment and what we can do to ensure inclusion.

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés Saskatchewan

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés partout au Canada Chaque mois, MentorHabiletés Canada présente fièrement l’un de ses partenaires de mise en œuvre. Ce sont les coordonnatrices et coordonnateurs de MentorHabiletés, les travailleurs

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Hub Highlight – MentorAbility Saskatchewan

MentorAbility Canada Hub Highlight Series Every month, MentorAbility Canada proudly presents one of our implementing partners. They are the MentorAbility coordinators—the backstage workers who quietly go about their tasks to

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Universal Design in the Workplace

Universal Design in the Workplace Ability is a continuum with considerable variation between different people. We will all experience various types of functioning in our lifetime. Universal design provides equitable

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Universal Design in Policy Development

Universal Design in Policy Development Universal Design is often discussed within the context of physical surroundings, however it encompasses much more. Any organization can apply it to policy development to

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MentorAbility Experience Story : Nadyezhda

Her multiple MentorAbility Experiences were “very productive and informative,” and she could imagine herself working in all these fields in the future. MentorAbility offers job seekers experiencing disabilities an opportunity

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