Canadian Association for Supported Employment


CASE has a number of initiatives and resources to support you on the employment journey.

CASE is a proactive national network of community-based groups with extensive resources, events, and training programs for employers, job seekers, and service providers.

Whether you are looking to develop inclusive workplace policies, engage in workplace training or network with others working to support inclusive employment, we have a number of initiatives and resources to support you on your journey.


MentorAbility facilitates and celebrates in-person and virtual mentoring experiences, networking and learning events, and social media campaigns, and builds a body of evidence through research activities. With a specific focus on facilitating unique, short-term (from one hour to one day) mentoring opportunities between employers and persons experiencing disability, this initiative is part of a national effort to promote the employment of Canadians experiencing disability.

Innovation Lab

CASE’s Innovation Lab was created in 2021 to support, promote and share learnings from synergetic collaborations with partners across the country with the goal of removing barriers to employment faced by persons experiencing disability.


The Diversity Works research project explored the experiences of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) who experience disability (BIPOC-D) as they navigate their employment journey with the assistance of supported employment service providers. The research was conducted between November 2021 and June 2022. Through surveys, focus groups and in-depth interviews, the project engaged 70 supported employment service providers, 23 employers and 70 BIPOC-D job seekers.

Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM)

Disability Employment Awareness Month or DEAM was first proclaimed in Canada in 2010 by the Province of Manitoba. Saskatchewan followed suit in 2011, and British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and New Brunswick secured proclamations shortly after. Since then, dedicated employment service providers and community organizations have brought DEAM to life by organizing activities to engage employers, job seekers experiencing disability and the public to promote the benefits of inclusive hiring.

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Connect With CASE

Tell us about new, innovative supported employment initiatives your organization is spearheading. Please send us your ideas or advice on how CASE can better serve you.