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Supportive Employment Positions Tracking Tool

Publisher: Demonstrating Value
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Business Intelligence, Supported Employment Practice-Professional Development, Supported Employment Practice-Best Practices, Supported Employment Practice-Self Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Pathways-Professional Development, Workplace Solutions-Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions-Accommodations, Workplace Solutions-Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Virtual Employment, Workplace Solutions-Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2020
Type of resource: Toolkit

This workbook is designed to track and summarize the number and nature of the job positions that your direct to those employees with barriers to employment. It includes tracking how these employees are progressing over time in the enterprise and if they leave, where they go. 

Access the resource here: Supportive Employment Positions Tracking Tool

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