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Episodic Disabilities Toolkit

Publisher: Episodic Disabilities Network
Topics: Supported Employment Practice-Inclusive Employment, Supported Employment Practice-Business Intelligence, Workplace Solutions-Accessibility & Universal Design, Workplace Solutions-Accommodations, Workplace Solutions-Jobseeker and Employee Engagement, Workplace Solutions-Disability Specific Workplace Inclusion
Year published: 2015
Type of resource: Toolkit

Developed by the Episodic Disabilities Network, this toolkit provides links to important resources related to living with an episodic disability. Episodic disabilities are marked by fluctuating periods and degrees of wellness and disability. These periods of wellness and disability are unpredictable. Advances in medical technologies mean that many diseases and conditions are no longer imminently fatal, and disabling symptoms can often be reduced, managed or delayed. However, as a result, more and more Canadians are living longer with lifelong episodic disabilities, and overall women have a higher rate of episodic illness than men. While the specific prevalence of episodic disability is not known, millions of Canadians live with diseases/conditions linked to episodic disability. The majority of people affected by episodic disabilities are in their prime working years, may move in and out of the labour force in an unpredictable manner, and have great difficulty securing stable employment and income supports.

Access the resource here: Episodic Disabilities Toolkit

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