Canadian Association for Supported Employment

Employment Training for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Job Seekers in NS, ON, AB and BC

Accessible Navigation to Employment (ANTE) is a national training program currently open to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HOH) participants in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. 

Training is provided around academic and practical skills for members of the D/HOH community. 

Logo: Red and green arrow pointing up in a red circle then green circle. Text: Accessible Navigation to Employment Program
Photo: Two people, one with medium-dark skin and long brown hair and one with dark skin and very short dark hair, are using sign language.

For D/HOH Persons

Individuals must be unemployed, underemployed or finishing post-secondary studies. 

Free Skills Upgrading
  • Through an accessible online micro-credential certification program 
  • Nine courses that are 30 hours each: Reading, Digital Skills, Adaptability, Communication, Problem Solving, Writing, Numeracy, Creativity and Collaboration
  • Courses chosen by learners based on interest, with option to complete all nine courses and a paid work placement to receive a certificate of completion

For Employers

ANTE provides employers with support at no cost throughout the job placement.

Resources and training are offered to employers on accessible communication best practices, tools and strategies for creating inclusive workplaces. The resources and training facilitate accessible hiring and work experiences that prepare employers for the paid placements. 

Three free tiers of accessibility training are offered. The first tier is available to all employers, whether or not they take part in ANTE.

Over 1.3M Canadians over 15 years old experience a hearing disability. (Canadian Survey on Disability 2017)
This initiative is helping to take down barriers and foster accessible employment pathways for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community who are motivated to learn and to connect with—and to contribute to—their communities.
For more information about ANTE:

In Nova Scotia, you can also connect with:

Shirley Hodder, ANTE Project Coordinator – Community Outreach

Society of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Nova Scotians

Email: [email protected]  |  Phone: 902-599-0849