Canadian Association for Supported Employment

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés Alberta

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés partout au Canada Chaque mois, MentorHabiletés Canada présente fièrement l’un de ses partenaires de mise en œuvre. Ce sont les coordonnatrices et coordonnateurs de MentorHabiletés, les travailleurs […]

Hub Highlight – MentorAbility Alberta

MentorAbility Canada Hub Highlight Series Every month, MentorAbility Canada proudly presents one of our implementing partners. They are the MentorAbility coordinators—the backstage workers who quietly go about their tasks to […]

MentorAbility Experience: Brandon and Tyler

MentorAbility Experience: Brandon and Tyler

As a massive sports fan, Brandon loves his current role as a back shop merchandiser for a sporting goods store in Calgary; and, he’s been commended on his excellent work ethic many times over the years. Despite loving his job, however, Brandon wanted to further challenge himself by moving into more of a customer service role but there were no openings at his current location.

MentorAbility Experience: Adam

Since Adam first connected with MentorAbility, it was clear that he loved baking and wanted to gain some hands-on experience in the baking field. He was especially keen on seeing how pretzels were made and learning how to bake those little breaded wonders! Fortunately, MentorAbility was able to connect with Lori and Sam at Southcentre Mr. Pretzel and secure Adam a mentorship making his favourite salty snack.

MentorAbility Experience: Dale

MentorAbility Experience - Dale

When Dale arrived at Calgary Alternative Employment Services to explore career options, he had his sights set on the hospitality industry as he had prior experience working in this field; and, he was currently employed in a similar setting – for a Condo Association doing seasonal yard work. He had been searching for a hospitality job for over a year but wasn’t having any luck.

MentorAbility Experience: Jason

MentorAbility Experience - Jason

Jason’s passion for computer and technology has been obvious since high school, and no one was surprised that he went on to excel in his Information and Communications Technology program at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.
But when his IT career began, he was quickly confronted with the need for a skill set that he had never been taught – or event been told about – in any of his training. Instead of finding himself in a back office working on hardware as he had imagined and hoped, he was in an entry level role providing customer service. It wasn’t just technical skills that he needed in this role, but interpersonal skills; skills such as active listening and communication.