Canadian Association for Supported Employment

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Lumière sur MentorHabiletés partout au Canada Chaque mois, MentorHabiletés Canada présente fièrement l’un de ses partenaires de mise en œuvre. Ce sont les coordonnatrices et coordonnateurs de MentorHabiletés, les travailleurs […]

Hub Highlight – MentorAbility PEI

MentorAbility Canada Hub Highlight Series Every month, MentorAbility Canada proudly presents one of our implementing partners. They are the MentorAbility coordinators—the backstage workers who quietly go about their tasks to […]

Pleins feux sur un membre – Inclusions East

Pleins feux sur un membre Inclusions East Pour la version anglaise de cet article, veuillez cliquer ici.  |  For the English version of this post, please click here. Inclusions East est une organisation […]

CASE Member Spotlight – Inclusions East

CASE Member Spotlight Inclusions East Pour la version française de cet article, veuillez cliquer ici.  |  For the French version of this post, please click here. Inclusions East is a multi-faceted organization and […]

MentorAbility Experience: Sonja (Accessible Technology)

MentorAbility Experience: Sonja (Accessible Technology)

Sonja is always seeking emerging technologies that can assist in her studies. Her interest in tech led to her thinking about starting a podcast where she would not only explore accessible technologies for persons with disabilities, but also review these technologies and interview the creators.

MentorAbility Experience: Sonja

MentorAbility Experience - Sonja

Sonja loves being creative and, when thinking about potential careers, she leaned towards artistic fields that would allow her to express herself, such as an author or a voice actress. These fields can be hard for newcomers to gain experience in, however. Luckily for Sonja, she happened to live in the same province as an award-winning author…

MentorAbility Experience: Chris

MentorAbility Experience - Chris

Already with a background in Graphic Design and Fundamental Arts, Chris was connected to MentorAbility through the PEI Council of People with Disabilities to explore what a career in screen-printing, embroidery or sign production might look like.

Chris’ MentorAbility Experience saw him matched with the Charlottetown printing business Golden Custom Clothing under the mentorship of its founder Coltin Handrahan. During this MentorAbility Experience, Chris enjoyed accumulating on-the-job experience and witnessing the day-to-day operations of a professional printing company firsthand. He especially enjoyed getting his hands dirty when learning the physical process of screen-printing and was glad he wasn’t stuck behind a computer all day.