Canadian Association for Supported Employment

MentorAbility Experience: Sara and Kyla-Lorraine

MentorAbility Experience - Sara and Kyla-Lorraine

For Kyla-Lorraine, administrative officer at SPHERE, the primary goal of participating in the MentorAbility initiative as a mentor was to help others. And she achieved her goal! In fact, she was able to answer all the questions asked by her mentee, Sara. Kyla-Lorraine was able to teach her the basics of her work, explain in detail her daily tasks, and paint a picture of what her job is like so that Sara could understand that profession.

MentorAbility Experience: Thomas and Sébastien

MentorAbility Experience - Thomas and Sebastien

It’s never easy to find a job when looking to enter the job market for the first time or even when returning to it. MentorAbility is a great way to meet an employer and provides a glimpse into the sector that a mentee wishes to enter. The following experience demonstrates a key goal of the initiative, that of inspiring a mentee and opening up his horizons.

MentorAbility Experience: Brigitte and Karolanne

MentorAbility Experience - Brigitte and Karolanne

Brigitte had a great MentorAbility experience. Given her search for a job in the field of emergency call dispatch, she was pleased to take part in a virtual discussion with her mentor Karolanne, from Health Emergencies, who described her work days in detail in order to give her an idea of what it’s like to work in such a role.

MentorAbility Experience: Anne-Li and Matthew

MentorAbility Experience - Anne-Li and Matthew

Matthew has always been interested in the world of video games. He was delighted when his employment advisor Ariane from Workforce Action suggested that he take part in the MentorHabilities project to talk about the video game tester profession with a professional in the field. When he met Anne-Li, his mentor, he learned a lot more than he thought he would about her daily work.