MentorAbility Experience Stories

MentorAbility Experience Stories: Michael
This MentorAbility Experience not only gave Michael the confidence to work with produce, but it also led to him being hired on the spot!
MentorAbility Ontario

The Perfect Match
When Michael came to Performance Plus Rehabilitative Care Inc. (PPRC) and the Inclusion Alliance to find a new job, he already had work experience stocking shelves in a grocery store. Michael wanted to work in the produce section of a grocery store next, but he was concerned he might not have the skills to do so.
As a local area coordinator, PPRC knew that MentorAbility helps provide mentorships for people with disabilities in their desired career fields in order to gain work experience. So, with their help, Michael was connected to inclusive employer Fieldless Farms in Cornwall and a mentorship was arranged. Fieldless Farms HR Manager, Patrick, gave Michael a full tour of the farm and showed him what the job was all about: sorting lettuce to ensure a top-quality product. Michael quickly understood his role.
This MentorAbility Experience not only gave Michael the confidence to work with produce, but it also led to him being hired on the spot! Fieldless Farms values inclusivity and passion in their staff – as they’ve already hired seven PPRC clients that still work there – and they knew Michael would be the perfect fit, since saying that “Michael is doing very well” after being hired.
Congratulations on your new job, Michael. We’re so happy all your hard work paid off!
Note: The Inclusion Alliance, a service of Employment Ontario, is a consortium of service providers in Cornwall of which PPRC is a partner. PPRC is pleased to report its first ever MentorAbility match in Cornwall.