Job Seekers

The MentorAbility Initiative
Are you a job seeker experiencing disability? Would you like to meet people to learn more about a career that interests you? Consider participating in a MentorAbility mentorship!
Working with the MentorAbility Canada team, you will be matched with an employer or mentor for a short mentoring experience. During the experience, you will learn more about that employer’s workplace and different careers in their industry.
You will be supported throughout the process by skilled employment professionals. MentorAbility is free. It is not a job. But it can help you to learn more about jobs that interest you and about possible career paths.

Your MentorAbility Experience could involve any of the following:
- You could have a tour of a workplace.
- You could find out more information about a possible career path.
- You could get advice from people with experience in different types of work.
- You could have someone from Human Resources give you feedback on your resume.
- You could observe or job-shadow a worker to see what is involved in a job you are interested in.
- You could learn more about a certain type of business.
- You could do a practice interview.
- You can expand your professional network.
- You can explore the next steps on your career path!
Want to sign up to participate in a Mentoring Match?
Fill out the Mentee Interest form below to connect with a MentorAbility Hub Coordinator in your region today:

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