Canadian Association for Supported Employment

Collaboration with Service Providers Can Improve Operational Results

While working towards inclusive hiring practices and work environments, the tasks and processes organizations must navigate can be complex and time consuming. In today’s marketplace, increasing your organizational capacity can help to achieve these goals.

One way to increase capacity is by seeking the support of subject matter experts to assist with your journey to inclusion.

Two women with medium-coloured skin sitting at a table and looking at a laptop.

Support from Hiring to Career Development Planning

Many Canadian markets have agencies that provide supported employment services to employers who wish to implement inclusive practices. 

These non-profit agencies supply support at no cost to employers, from hiring to career development planning, to improve inclusion efforts.

Supported employment service providers offer support at no cost to employers, from hiring to career development planning, to improve inclusion efforts.

Collaboration Can Improve Operational Results

Collaboration during process development and execution can increase the effectiveness of organizational processes. Leaning on supported employment agencies for strategic knowledge can improve, not only human resources, but operational results across the organization.

CASE Connects Employers and Service Providers

All too often organizations don’t know where to start looking for support. Equally as often, non-profits lack the working capital to advertise their services to those organizations.

The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) can connect employers with service providers through knowledge of employment industry needs and a network of agencies with which it works across Canada.

Service Providers Tailor Plans to Your Needs

Service providers learn an organization's needs and goals. Then, they develop plans for disability inclusion, identify opportunities for improvements, and provide strategic advice to build HR capacity.

Once paired with a supported employment service provider, services can be delivered that are tailored to the employer’s needs. Through an understanding of the organization and its needs, industry, niche qualities, and desired goals, the agency’s subject matter experts develop plans for disability inclusion, identify opportunities for improvements, and provide strategic advice to build HR capacity.

In return, the knowledge gained by service providers from working with organizations can improve their future services. This new knowledge can better serve job-seeking clients since the employment context and requirements of the current employment landscape are kept up to date.

Collaboration Can Increase Innovation

Collaborative thinking, like inclusive and diverse practices, encourages broader solutions-based discussion, particularly within a community. Together, collaboration and the integration of inclusive processes and policy can engender more innovative problem solving and creation. 

The result is more sustainable business practices, and improved return on investment. As we move forward in uncertain economic times, collaborative efforts can help to improve our existing operations and to secure more sustainable and agile frameworks. 

Contact CASE today to learn which supported employment service providers operate in your geographical and industry spheres. 

Agency support during your inclusion journey can be a key piece of strategic operations and capacity building, helping to ensure future success.