Canadian Association for Supported Employment

CASE Member Spotlight

Loog: Gear-like wheel with yellow, red, purple, blue and teal squared spikes. Neil Squire written to right of wheel in black.

Empowering Possibilities:

Neil Squire Society's Innovative Approach to Supported Employment

In the heart of Canada’s employment landscape, the Neil Squire Society stands out for its commitment to breaking down barriers and to creating opportunities for persons experiencing disability. Founded four decades ago, Neil Squire has become a beacon of hope, empowering thousands of individuals to achieve their employment goals through innovative programs and unwavering support. 

Building Bridges between Job Seekers and Employers

One of Neil Squire’s flagship initiatives, the Creative Employment Options program, launched in 2023. It has been instrumental in transforming the lives of persons experiencing disability across Canada. 

The Creative Employment Options program provides tailored support to participants and connects businesses with qualified candidates. Through this approach, Neil Squire bridges the gap between employers and job seekers, fostering an inclusive workforce where everyone can thrive. 

With over 400 participants since it started last year, the program continues to make a profound impact on individuals and businesses alike. 

Skill-Building Spotlight:
The Creative Employment Options Webinar Series

In January, the Neil Squire Society unveiled their popular Creative Employment Options webinar series that offers invaluable insights and resources to both job seekers and businesses. 

Covering a range of topics from resume writing to stress management, these webinars exemplify Neil Squire’s commitment to empowering individuals with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. 

Two men standing in a commercial kitchen wearing long blue aprons. One is a bit taller, has a beard and is wearing a beret and a green t-shirt, and has his left arm around the shoulders of the other man. The second man is wearing glasses, a baseball cap, and a brown t-shirt and has his arms crossed in front of him.


Creative Employment Options participant, Stephen (right), with his manager (left). (Neil Squire Society)

Empowering Individuals through Neil Squire's Tailored Support System

What truly sets Neil Squire apart is its participant-centred approach and holistic support system. By offering individualized programs and ongoing assistance, Neil Squire not only helps individuals to secure employment but also equips them with the tools to thrive in their roles. 

For instance, they offer ergonomic and assistive technology assessments and solutions. They also support personal development and wellness for work.

And, their efforts extend beyond the individual. They advocate for inclusivity and educate employers on the benefits of hiring persons who experience disability, fostering a more inclusive and diverse community. 

Celebrating 40 Years: Neil Squire's Continued Impact and Expansion

Looking to the future, Neil Squire has ambitious goals for growth and impact. With a record-breaking 11,187 participants served last year, the organization is poised to further expand its reach and deepen its impact in underserved communities across Canada. 

As they celebrate their 40th anniversary, the Neil Squire Society remains steadfast in its commitment to creating workplaces where every individual can reach their full potential and feel valued and empowered.

To learn more visit  the Neil Squire Society website

A young woman with short dark brown hair with long bangs pushed to the side, brown eyes, and large dark stylish glasses who is smiling and wearing a black sweater with a hood.


“I am more confident.”

Rebecca lives in a small community in Northern Saskatchewan. She attended skill-building classes and received support with personal development while in Neil Squire’s Creative Employment Options program, 

Rebecca was so successful in her volunteer work placement at a local post-secondary office that they offered her a part-time position as Front Desk Receptionist. 

(Neil Squire Society)