Canadian Association for Supported Employment


Welcome Employers and Human Resources Specialists

In the past few years, we have witnessed a significant impact to our national and global economies due to the COVID pandemic and ongoing retirements. There has perhaps never been a more important time to discuss diversity and inclusion as key competitive strengths for Canadian businesses.

While diversity represents the combination of people present in your workforce, inclusion speaks to how well your workforce functions as a unit and the way in which each individual’s contribution is valued.
Diversity and inclusion work hand in hand to create a powerful business performance equation.

On a daily basis, employers are challenged to cultivate their financial security by establishing and maintaining competitive advantages. With over 6.2 million Canadians experiencing disability, clear evidence has emerged around the value these workers contribute in supporting businesses to reach their potential and remain competitive.

Studies indicate that businesses who effectively addressed inclusion experienced an efficiency rate of over 90% in job performance, average or better safety ratings than their counterparts, and reduced turnover.

Adaptation and innovation are also essential components for employers in navigating the years ahead. Many Canadian workers who experience  disability are highly versed in overcoming obstacles, adapting and innovating to get a job done! 

Not only do they bring new perspectives and ideas, this creative approach can support a business culture in more effectively adapting to change in order to offer new services and/or better service to customers.

A woman in blue signing to another woman in a black shirt

While the business case for hiring Canadian citizens who experience disability has been repeatedly demonstrated, some employers remain unsure how to best integrate this highly skilled group of individuals into their labour force. 

This resource has been designed to walk you through a framework of critical inclusion policies to support your efforts. Please take a moment to read the Key Considerations section prior to diving into the policies and additional content!

Wishing you success as you embark upon, or continue, your journey in establishing a diverse and inclusive workforce.

– The MentorAbility Canada Team


Note to Employer

This resource provides general information only for employers with fewer than 50 employees and does not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or opinion. The general information provided may not be suitable for all businesses, and readers should contact their legal counsel to assist in drafting policies and interpreting local legislation and caselaw. 

The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) holds the copyright to this resource, and its contents may not be copied or reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the express permission of CASE.


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