Canadian Association for Supported Employment


Please Note

Employers: before implementing any policies, please read our Introduction and Key Considerations.

Inclusive Accommodation: What does it mean?

  • Canadian human rights law generally recognizes that employees have the right to accommodation of disabilities in the workplace up to the point of “undue hardship” by the employer. Undue hardship is the point when courts or tribunals will determine the cost to the employer of accommodating an employee further is more than the employer can reasonably be expected to bear. Employers are expected to bear some non-trivial costs in accommodating an employee. Factors that courts and tribunals use to determine whether accommodation has become “undue” include the size of the employer (bigger employers have a greater capacity to accommodate), the financial means of the employer (greater means leads to a greater capacity to accommodate), the health and safety risk to other employees or stakeholders, and the impact on other employees’ rights. If an employer is in doubt about their obligation to accommodate further, they should seek legal advice.

  • Accommodation is as much about organizational culture and trust as it is about the policies that are created and the legal rules that are in place. An open and accepting culture towards accommodation will increase cooperation with employees and reduce conflict in the accommodation process—leading to more successful accommodation solutions in the future.

  • At the heart of the accommodation process is the responsibility, shared by all parties, to have a meaningful dialogue about accommodation and to work together respectfully towards accommodation solutions. Everyone involved should cooperatively engage in the process, share information, and work towards potential accommodation solutions. However, it ultimately remains the employer’s responsibility to find an adequate accommodation (short of undue hardship) once the need for accommodation has been established and the employee has provided sufficient medical or other information to identify their workplace limitations or needs.

  • A workplace accommodation is any change in the work environment or the terms and conditions of employment that allows a person with limitations in their abilities, or who faces barriers from the standard rules and conditions of work, to perform their job.

  • Accommodation is necessary to ensure that persons experiencing disability have equal opportunities, access and benefits.

  • Accommodations can be temporary, periodic or long term, depending on the employee’s medical condition. However, lengthier accommodations may ultimately be subject to the standard of “undue hardship” to the employer.

  • Accommodation is not an all-or-nothing proposition and can be seen as a continuum. Where the most appropriate accommodation would result in undue hardship, the organization must consider other alternatives, such as phased-in or next-best accommodations.

  • The employee has a duty to cooperate in the accommodation process. Part of that duty is accepting a reasonable offer of accommodation by the employer. An employee is not entitled to their preferred or perfect accommodation but a reasonable accommodation. If the employer offers a reasonable accommodation that is justifiable and meets their operational needs, the employee must accept it. If the employee refuses and insists on another accommodation, the employer is likely released from their legal duty to accommodate further. The employer should seek legal advice before making this conclusion.

  • An employee generally has an obligation to inform the employer of their need for accommodation, or the duty to accommodate will not be triggered. However, employers may have a duty to inquire if an employee requires accommodation, if it is reasonably clear the employee may need accommodation. For example, in the case where it is apparent an employee’s performance may be affected by an addiction.

  • Examples of accommodation could include:
      • changes to organizational policies and practices,
      • changes to a physical workspace,
      • adaptations to the equipment, tools, or uniform used,
      • flexible work hours or job sharing,
      • relocation of the workspace within the workplace,
      • the ability to work from home,
      • reallocation or exchange of some non-essential tasks for others, and
      • time off for medical appointments.

  • It is important that the accommodation process, as well as the accommodation itself, be effective and respect the dignity of accommodation seekers.

  • The duty to accommodate has both a substantive and a procedural component. The procedure used to assess an accommodation request (the procedural component) is often as important as the substantive content of the accommodation (the accommodation ultimately provided). Failure to perform either component of the duty is generally considered to be a failure to meet the duty to accommodate (carrying legal risk). The duty to accommodate is informed by three principles: (1) respect for dignity, (2) individualization, and (3) integration and full participation.


Why is it important?

  • In Canada, employers have a legal duty to accommodate employees with limitations due to a medical condition or disability in other forms. This obligation is set out in human rights legislation in every Canadian jurisdiction. Most employers in Canada are subject to the human rights legislation in the province(s) in which their employees work. A smaller number of employers (such as banks, airlines and railways) are subject only to federal employment legislation including the Canadian Human Rights Act. Failure to meet this obligation can lead to liability for failure to accommodate and discrimination.

  • The Supreme Court of Canada has described the goal of accommodation as ensuring that an employee who is able to work can do so. In practice, this means that the employer must accommodate the employee in a way that, while not causing the employer undue hardship, will ensure that the employee can work. The purpose of the duty to accommodate is to ensure that persons who are otherwise fit to work are not unfairly excluded where working conditions can be adjusted without undue hardship. Properly meeting the duty to accommodate can increase the productivity of an organization and ensure an employee is enabled and empowered to fully participate in the workforce.

  • Reasonable accommodations often benefit all employees. For example, businesses who strive to make information available in a variety of formats are able to more effectively meet the diverse learning needs of their employees.


Sample Inclusive Workplace Policy

The following policy sample should be part of a larger human rights and accommodations policy. This larger policy should also address any legislatively mandated human rights requirements in your jurisdiction, the purpose of the policy, the scope of the policy’s application, who is responsible for administering which parts of the policy, and the procedures that must be followed under the policy.

[Name of Organization] will provide workplace accommodation to the point of undue hardship to ensure that individuals who are otherwise able to work are not discriminated against and excluded from doing so because of a disability or other protected grounds.

Accommodation requests will be considered with the principles of dignity, individualization, inclusion, and full participation. Employees with an Accommodation Plan will be notified in advance of any changes that could affect the terms of their plan.

[Name of Organization] is committed to maintaining confidentiality when providing accommodation and will only disclose personal information when necessary to provide the accommodation or as otherwise permitted by law.

Putting It into Practice

  • Accessibility must consider many aspects of the business, such as maintenance/facilities, customer service, workplace policies and procedures, information and communications.

  • To assess the accessibility of your workplace, there are tools available such as: or (Note that these checklists may contain standards that you are not required to meet. Check the applicable legislation for the standards that apply to you).

  • It’s important to understand the principles of accessibility. These principles include dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Check our glossary of terms to find descriptions for all of these terms and others.

  • Making your business accessible involves reviewing your hiring practices, understanding accessibility needs as they relate to career growth, and having a communication plan that informs all employees of the support available.

  • Once you have created a policy, it’s vital that you communicate this to all of your staff and provide the information in an accessible format.

  • It’s also important to offer training around the policy and establish a feedback process. You can be flexible and creative on this front by considering your workplace size and culture.

  • Overall, strive to communicate to the broader public that persons who experience disability are welcome and that you will accommodate their needs.

Additional Considerations

(Provincial differences and unionized workplace considerations)

  • Accessibility laws vary by province, so check the laws that apply to your workplace.

  • The Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) broadly sets the stage regarding discriminatory employment practices, while each individual province or territory has its own Human Rights Act.

  • The Accessible Canada Act (Bill C-81) sets out how the Government of Canada will address accessibility across the country.

  • Some provinces have developed legislation that focuses specifically on the rights of persons experiencing disability. This currently includes: the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, and the Nova Scotia Accessibility Act. British Columbia is striving to reach their “Accessibility 2024” vision of being the most progressive province in Canada for persons experiencing disability. Although the remaining provinces and territories may not yet have province specific legislation, they are facing significant pressure to release accessibility legislation in the future and are at various stages of this process.

  • Accessibility requirements for buildings vary between provinces and are gradually changing; it is recommended to regularly check for requirements that apply to the workplace.


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