CASE Newsletter
Stay informed about employment inclusion
Sign up for the monthly CASE e-newsletters to stay current with the latest news and best practices related to employment inclusion for persons experiencing disability and the supported employment sector across Canada and beyond.
You’ll also be notified of CASE’s latest offerings and opportunities, including training, webinars, research, and more.
The CASE Connect
Monthly newsletter for and about the supported employment sector.
Every month, receive up-to-date news and information about resources, research, programs, events, and training related to workforce development and the supported employment sector nationally and internationally.
Don’t miss out on professional development opportunities and information that can help you take your career development work to the next level.
Disability Inclusion Advantage
Monthly newsletter for employers interested in building inclusive workplace cultures that support all workers.
Whether you’re just starting or are an inclusion leader, practical information and resources are shared that can inform your path toward disability inclusion.

We will never share your email address with any third-party vendors. See our Privacy Policy to read how we protect your personal information.
You may also be interested in learning more about the following complimentary CASE initiatives:
MentorAbility Canada - Brief Mentoring Experiences
A perfect step on the road to inclusion. Mentor a person experiencing disability and network with other employers and service providers.
Short Online Learning Opportunities
Take short, asynchronous, and self-directed online courses to help you strengthen workplace inclusion - which can benefit all workers.
Employer Resources - Build Inclusion Today
Access resources for employers and learn how inclusion can strengthen your organization. Supported employment can help you along the way.
Past Issues of CASE Newsletters
Past issues of our newsletters contain resources, research, and practical tips on building workplace inclusion for persons experiencing disability.
The CASE Connect
Sign up for our e-newsletter and stay current with all the latest from CASE and supported employment work across Canada and beyond. You’ll also receive our latest promotions and offers. We will not share your email address with any third-party vendors. See our Privacy Policy (at the link below under Quick Links) for full details on how we protect your personal information.
Connect With CASE
Tell us about new, innovative supported employment initiatives your organization is spearheading. Please send us your ideas or advice on how CASE can better serve you.